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U.S. GDP booms at 33.1% rate in Q3

“第三季度GDP創紀錄性增長,證明了特朗普總統的帶領美國重返偉大与繁榮的經濟政策使我們國家在COVID-19的毀滅性影響中迅速反彈。” 共和黨全國委員會亞太裔媒体副主任Kara Caldwell 

在特朗普總統領導下,我們國家經濟正處於創紀錄的複甦之中,實現了 有史以來最好的GDP增長



  • 在同样經濟背景下,第三季度33.1%的GDP增長是二戰後1950年第一季度紀錄16.7%的兩倍
  • 因新冠狀流行病而損失美國經濟已經有三分之二得到恢復。
  • 短短5個月內就增加了11,417,000個工作崗位,挽回了52%的工作崗位流失。

特朗普總統希望美國繼續重返偉大与繁榮的進程,而喬·拜登(Joe Biden)要 美國關閉停滞不前

特朗普總統為中產階級提供了減稅政策,而亞太裔美國人是《減稅與就業法》的最大受益者,而拜登則將提高稅收 中產階級的。拜登特别 承諾说到:“如果您選我……我將会提高您的稅


“The record breaking GDP growth in quarter three proves President Trump’s pro-growth policies are helping our country bounce back quickly from the devastating effects of COVID-19. The Great American Comeback is alive and thriving and the best it yet to come.” -Kara Caldwell, Deputy Director of Media Affairs, APA


Under President Trump, the economy is on a record breaking recovery, delivering the best GDP growth ever!


U.S. GDP booms at 33.1% rate in Q3, better than expected


Highlights of the Great American Comeback:


  • For context, the 33.1% GDP growth in Q3 is DOUBLE the post-World War II record of 16.7% in Q1 1950.
  • The U.S. economy has recovered about two-thirds of its coronavirus losses.
  • 11,417,000 jobs have been added back in just 5 months under Trump and Pence, recovering 52% of jobs lost.


President Trump wants the Great American Comeback to continue while Joe Biden wants to keep the country shut down.


And while President Trump has delivered tax cuts for the middle class, with Asian Pacific Americans being the largest beneficiaries of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Biden would raise taxes on the middle class. After all, Biden has promised, “If you elect me... your taxes are gonna be raised not cut.”

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