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即使与 COVID 共存, 老年人仍可健康迎接兔年到来

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即使与 COVID 共存, 老年人仍可健康迎接兔年到来

来源:We Can Do This 预防 COVID-19 宣传教育活动

各种疫苗和治疗手段的问世,让我们可以更好地防止出现 COVID-19 重症,但老年人仍然是风险最高的人群之一。兔年春节即将到来,在阖家团圆庆祝之际,老年人和其他群体应该采取措施防止感染 COVID 和出现重症。




接种最新版疫苗。春节将至,自然少不了年夜饭和走亲探友。为了更安心地享受节日,接种最新版疫苗是保护自己和所有年龄段亲人的有效方法。美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)建议,65 岁及以上人群应掌握最新 COVID 疫苗接种动态,因为这类人群如感染 COVID,出现住院、重症和死亡的风险很高。接种最新版疫苗,保持有效的接种状态,可更好地对抗疾病。即使您早期曾经接受过疫苗接种,但时间会削弱疫苗的效果,因此最新版 COVID 疫苗可以带来更有效的保护。如果您最近感染了 COVID,请等待三个月后再接种最新版疫苗。


  • 夏威夷日本文化中心 (The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai’i ) 将于1 月 15 日星期日上午 10 时至下午 4 时庆祝Ohana 节期间在其疫苗诊所提供疫苗注射,地址: JCCH,夏威夷檀香山2454 S. Beretania Street。
  • 同周末,旧金山中国新年庆典和游行活动系列中的兔年年宵花市(Flower Market Fair) 将于 1 月 14 日至 15 日在格兰特大道 (Grant Avenue)举行,并提供疫苗注射。
  • 1 月 21 日至 22 日,洛杉矶的「兔-Gether」农历新年节庆(Tu-Gether Lunar New Year Festival) 举行同时亦在加州蒙特利公园的一家疫苗诊所提供疫苗注射。
  • 那周后几天,1 月 28 日将在拉斯维加斯市中心的 Fremont East 娱乐区举行春节庆典「Chinese New Year in the Desert」同时疫苗诊所亦会开放。
  • 芝加哥将会于1 月29 日在芝加哥市中心庆祝的唐人街农历新年游行(Chinatown Lunar New Parade) ,那时候疫苗将在活动中提供。
  • 圣地亚哥将会在2 月 4 日至 5 日的中国新年庆祝活动时在圣地亚哥市中心的中国新年集市(Chinese New Year Fair)将在现场设立疫苗诊所。 
  • 纽约将于 2 月 12 日星期日下午 1 点在纽约市从 Mott及Canel 开始的曼哈顿唐人街农历新年游行 (The Manhattan Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade & Festival)活动中提供疫苗。

继续保持健康的习惯。除了接种疫苗,还有很多可以帮助自身免受 COVID 感染的实用建议。勤用肥皂水洗手。生病时呆在家里休息,照顾好自己和家庭成员。避开拥挤和通风不良的空间。如果必须在这些地方停留,尽量缩短停留时间,考虑佩戴口罩。


最新版 COVID 疫苗供应量充足,现在可免费接种。若想了解更多信息并寻找疫苗接种点,请访问。 

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Older Adults Can Start the Year of the Rabbit on a Healthy Note Even as COVID Lingers

From the We Can Do This COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

With vaccines and treatments, we’ve come a long way in preventing the worst outcomes from COVID-19. But older adults remain among the most at risk. As we gather together to celebrate Lunar New Year, there are many tools that older adults — and anyone — can use to help protect against a severe COVID infection. 

Here are a few ways older adults and their loved ones can begin the Year of the Rabbit in the best health possible: 

Get an updated vaccine. With Lunar New Year dinners and festivals quickly approaching, having an updated vaccine is an effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones — of all ages — as the celebrations ensue. CDC recommends people 65 and older stay current with their COVID vaccines because they are at high risk of hospitalization, illness, and death from COVID. Staying up to date means getting an updated vaccine as soon as you can. An updated COVID vaccine can restore protection that has waned over time from earlier doses. If you've recently had COVID, wait three months before getting your updated vaccine.

Lunar New Year and New Year celebrations across the country this month and next will be offering vaccine clinics with the updated vaccine, including:

  • The Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai’i will be celebrating the Year of the Rabbit at its ‘Ohana Festival with a vaccine clinic 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 15, at JCCH, 2454 S. Beretania St., Honolulu, HI.
  • That same weekend is the San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival & Parade’s Flower Market Fair, which is taking place on Jan. 14-15 Grant Avenue and will offer vaccines.
  • The Tu-Gether Lunar New Year Festival in LA takes place with a vaccine clinic on Jan. 21-22 in Monterey Park, CA.
  • Later that week, Chinese New Year in the Desert will be held on Jan. 28 with a spring festival—and vaccine clinic—at Fremont East Entertainment District in downtown Las Vegas.
  • Chicago celebrates with the Chinatown Lunar New Parade Jan. 29, and vaccines will be available at the event, in downtown Chicago.
  • San Diego’s Chinese New Year Fair will have a vaccine clinic on-site on as it celebrates on Feb. 4-5 in downtown San Diego
  • The Manhattan Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade & Festival will offer vaccines at its event on Sunday, Feb. 12, which starts at Mott and Canal in New York at 1 p.m.

Continue practicing healthy habits. In addition to vaccines, there are plenty of things you can do to help protect yourself from a COVID infection. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. When feeling ill, stay home and rest to take care of yourself and the people you care about. Avoid crowded spaces and spaces that are not well ventilated. If you must be in those spaces, limit your time there and consider wearing a mask.

Find ways to relieve stress. The ongoing pandemic has been stressful for many people, including older adults — and admitting that is ok! Daily routines have been upended, and many have experienced increased loneliness, stress, and anxiety. Tips for coping with stress include having an open conversation with someone you trust, taking a break from the news, unwinding with physical activities that you enjoy, eating healthy foods, and finding ways to stay connected with family, friends, and community.

Updated COVID vaccines are currently free and widely available. For more information and to find a vaccine, visit

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