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US-China Perception Monitor

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 The Role of Chinese Students in America Confirmation


After the 20th CCP National Congress & U.S. Elections: Whither China?



 US-China Relations: Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel? 中美关系是否会进入冷战?

Merchants of Deceit: Opium, American Fortune & the China Trade

This presentation, by Professor Richard J. Friswell, traces the life and times of 19th century Connecticut resident, Samuel Russell, who made his fortune selling opium during the height of the China trade, in the period 1820-40. A combination of historical research of life in Canton, China, during that period—both for Western businessmen and Chinese living under the centuries’-old rule of Qing-era dynastic emperors—brings these competing forces together to reveal a little-known chapter in American history, an elusive game of cat and mouse that would, in turn, alter the course of world history. Professor Friswell is a cultural historian and Visiting Scholar at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. This online meeting is co-organized by U.S.-China Perception Monitor, China Research Center in Atlanta, 美华史记 and 美国华人历史纽约基金会。

Governing and Ruling: The Political Logic of Taxation in China “中国税收的政治逻辑”

Finding Firmer Ground: The Role of Higher Education in U.S.-China Relations 高等教育在美中关系中的作用

Kissinger Institute on China and the United States of the Wilson Center and China Focus of the Carter Center jointly organize this webinar on the past, present and future of U.S.-China educational exchange.

Educational exchange has been a pillar of U.S.-China relations since the late 19th Century. When the two nations work together, the flow of students and scholars across the Pacific benefits both sides and advances human knowledge. When geopolitics makes exchange seem dangerous to one or both countries, academic channels are cut off and isolation increases mutual hostility. In the wake of the trade war, COVID, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the re-politicization of education in China, the purpose of higher educational exchange is now being questioned once again in both Washington and Beijing.

The two keynote speakers are Cheng Li, Director, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings and Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch, Executive Chair, U.S.-China Education Trust.

The webinar will be jointly moderated by Robert Daly, Director, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States and Yawei Liu, Senior Advisor on China, The Carter Center.

The program is occasioned by the Carter Center’s publication of Finding Firmer Ground: The Role of Higher Education in U.S.-China Relations, a collection of essays by Chinese and American writers that will help leaders in both countries shape policy based on the historical lessons of their academic relations.


位于纽约的华美协进社(China Institute)自1926年成立就在中美两国的文化教育交流中扮演了举足轻重的角色。基于美国、台湾以及中国大陆档案资料的多年研究,讲座特别关注华美协进社成立之初的近半个世纪,如何在留美学人郭秉文和孟治的领导下向美国公众传播中国文化。当下有关中国文化外交的讨论日益两极,回顾华美协进社在这一领域的探索与挑战也希望达到以史为鉴的目的。








主讲人:洪朝辉,美国纽约福坦莫大学(Fordham University)历史学教授;与谈人:1)吕锁森,中国戏曲学院表演导演教授,京剧武生、影视演员;2)董存发,加拿大独立学者、复旦大学亚太区域合作与治理研究中心特约研究员



Today's challenges and the new way forward for US-China business relationships 2022中美经贸关系走向

Keynote Speaker:

Frank Lavin, Founder & CEO of Export Now, Former Undersecretary of Commerce for International Trade, Former U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, and author of “The Smart Business Guide to China E-Commerce” (Penguin)


Steven Lustig, Vice President of Global Supply Chain at East West Manufacturing

Yimin Yang, Senior EVP and Chief Risk Office for Loyal Trust Bank

Samuel Sun, CEO of ZTE USA and President of ZTE North America

Shaquana Teasley, Founder & CEO of Agate Solutions, LLC


Dr. Yawei Liu, Senior Advisor on China, The Carter Center & Associate Director, The China Research Center

The forum is organized by the GSU Office of International Initiatives (OII), Chinese Business Association of Atlanta and World Trade Center of Atlanta.




国共内战前夕的美国特使:赫尔利、马歇尔(1944-1946) U S envoys on the eve of the civil war, Hurley & Marshall 1944 1946

国共内战前夕的美国特使:赫尔利、马歇尔(1944-1946) U S envoys on the eve of the civil war, Hurley & Marshall 1944 1946


主讲人:牛军,法学博士,北京大学国际关系学院教授,先后在中国人民大学中共党史系、中国社会科学院美国研究所和北京大学国际关系学院外交学系任教或从事研究工作。长期从事中国对外关系历史、中美关系史、冷战史研究,曾应邀前往美国哈佛大学、香港大学、台湾“中央研究院”、挪威诺贝尔研究所、日本东京大学等地作访问学者、客座教授、高级客座研究员。专著《从延安走向世界:中国共产党对外关系的起源》,获“第七届中国图书奖”和“华东地区优秀政治理论图书一等奖”,英文版由Eastern Bridge出版公司出版发行。专著《冷战与新中国外交的缘起(1949—1955)》(社会科学文献出版社2013年版)获选2011年《国家哲学社会科学成果文库》、北京市第十三届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖,英文版由Brill出版公司出版发行。另有专著《冷战时代的中国战略决策》(世界知识出版社2019年版)、日文《中国外交决策研究》(日本千仓书房2021年版)等。


主持人:洪朝辉,美国纽约福坦莫大学(Fordham University)教授。

纪念中美“乒乓外交”50周年主题云上图片展|China-US Ping Pong Diplomacy 50th Anniversary Exhibition

主办单位:中国人民对外友好协会 上海市人民对外友好协会 美国卡特中心

Organizers: The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign 


The Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries

The Carter Center

简 介



From 10 to 17 April 1971, at the invitation of the Chinese Ping Pong Delegation, the US table tennis delegation visited China after participating in the 31st World Table Tennis Championships in Nagoya, Japan, which opened the door to friendly exchange between the Chinese and American peoples. Ping Pong started the thaw and development of the China-US relations. How “the little ball moves the big ball” as described by Premier Zhou Enlai remains a much-told story in the history of diplomacy. 


Five decades later, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and the Carter Center co-host the “China-US Ping Pong Diplomacy 50th Anniversary Exhibition”. The precious photographs, videos and collections on display take us back to the history-making spring half a century ago and will inspire us on the way forward. 


【美中故事会9】如何化解第四次台海危机? Avoiding military conflict between the US and China


华人移民与现代世界|Chinese Diaspora in the Modern World



科技创新和监管与美中关系|U.S.-China Relations according to Fareed Zakaria & Jordan Schneider

【美中故事会】 第5讲: 美中关系是否”峰回路转”了?

【美中故事会4】美国贸易代表戴琪和她10月4日的讲话 - 戴琪究竟是何背景?戴琪与戴笠到底有无关系?美中故事会讲述戴琪的故事!

从体育看中美关系的沉浮 1872-2021|Sino-American Relations Through the Lens of Sports


对话中国驻美大使秦刚|Charting a New Course in U.S.-China Relations: Conversation with Ambassador Qin Gang

The Digital Frontier of U.S.-China Relations: Challenges and Opportunities


CCG & Carter Center Dialogue: Jimmy Carter Legacy and Lessons for Moral Leadership in 21st Century


民权运动如何改变了美国? - 美国的两次“重建”第二讲


The Global Race for S&T Innovation Amidst East-West Tensions

美中的世纪竞争和华人的处境 - 美中关系历史回顾

亚裔歧视的历史背景与法律应对 - 美国资深律师深度剖析

Race in America: AAPI Struggle, Solidarity, & Trans-Pacific Perspectives

A Critical Discussion and Dialogue on US China Relations

从生化研究到脱口秀 - 黄西是怎样炼成的

美籍华人和美国 - 讨论美中关系与华人的处境及华人在今天的美国如何才能更好地保护自己的权益

Can U.S.-China People-to-People Exchange Stop the Dangerous Slide of the Bilateral Relationship?

Hate is a Virus: Combating Prejudice Against Asian Americans


The Trajectory of Higher Education in China|建立世界一流大学: 中国高等教育发展展望

赛珍珠与中国 I Pearl S. Buck and China

Rebuilding a Mutually Beneficial Relationship Bwtween China and the U.S.

美中关系--新的挑战,新的机遇|US-China Relation: New Challenges, New Opportunities

A Discussion with Professor McCord on Confucious Institutes

A Discussion with Mary Kay Magistad on China's Belt and Road Initiative

From Foundations to Frontiers 从基础到前沿 华人对美国的贡献


US-China Engagement: Past Achievements & Future Adjustments "中美接触42年:过去的成就,未来的调整” 

Caught in the Crossfire: Student Experiences during the Downturn in U.S.-China Relations

中美印象:为学与为人--傅高义(Ezra Vogel) 教授追思会


2021年后的中美关系走向: 战略合作或系统性竞争?

《中美关系史》朱立平教授主讲: 十九世纪美国政治与排华运动的关系【龙鹰卫视】

美国契约的破裂与重建: 分析川普的几个关键诉讼,分析诉诸司法的制度背景、程序,以及可能的走向;解析这些诉讼的特点和与2000年布什诉戈尔的异同


Prospects of U.S.-China Relations after the U.S. Presidential Election “展望美国大选后的中美关系”


"Where to From Here in US-China Relations"? “美中关系去向何方”?《美国面面观》


China Town Hall: Meeting China Halfway: How to Avert War and Reduce Militarized Rivalry in US-China

 《美国面面观》浅论美国外交决策! 探讨美国外交决策的不同理论和模式以及参与和影响美国外交制定的主要机构和行为者 / 龙鹰卫视

《美国面面观》中美印象与海国图智:美国大选夜直播与讨论!2020美国总统大选成为全球关注焦点!选举结果将对美国乃至世界产生什么影响?专家云集权威解读!/ 龙鹰卫视



《美国面面观》 美国黑人历史

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